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If you spend a night at the adjacent Magic Castle Hotel & Suites, you’re entitled to go to the club. It’s not so hard (though the admission charge and dinner and drinks usually add up to a pricey night).

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In practice, there are at least two pretty easy ways in. In theory, to attend you must be invited or accompanied by a member of the Academy of Magical Arts. (The flames flare on the night of Halloween.) Roam room to room and you encounter all manner of deceptions and marvels. Since then, it has survived waxing and waning popularity, not to mention a fire in 2011. But by the time it opened as a magic haven in 1963, it had undergone a thorough transformation to make it fit for tricks and performances. What: The castle, clubhouse of the Academy of Magical Arts, was built as a private home in 1908. And if you really want to get in, it’s not that hard.

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Why: The Magic Castle is the worst kept secret in Hollywood - a private club in a tricked-out house that’s devoted to magic.

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